SUPER Green Smoothie



This smoothie is very green but still delicious and is full of a bunch of great flavors.  However, if you don’t like green smoothies this isn’t a great one for “beginners” because it does taste very green (although I love that and hopefully you will too soon if you are a green smoothie virgin!)


Two kiwis

Two ripe bananas


Almond milk

two tablespoon hemp

honey to taste


Remove the skin from the kale and blend up with banana and almond milk, adding to achieve fluidity.  Then add the hemp and kale.  Finally add honey (or any other sweetener) to taste!

I then poured into a bunch of cups because it made a lot and topped with hemp seeds and coconut shavings.  


Be creative and enjoy!

Kiwi kale banana smoothie with pomegranate


Here’s a really yummy smoothie I made this morning. My class colors are green and black so I figured I would start the day with a green smoothie

Two bananas
Almond milk

Start by blending up the kiwi, banana, and almond milk. Then add kale. Then add almond milk as needed to achieve texture. I didn’t need to but if you want use a sweetener. I topped with a drizzle of agave and some pomegranate. Enjoy!