Green and purple layered smoothie


Hey so I want to start off by saying if anyone knows a good technique for making clean layers with smoothie, pleaaaase let me know.
Anyways! The bottom layer is cacao kale and the top is acai and frozen berries. This makes a lot so I managed to get two large glasses of smoothie out of it!

Green layer:
Two to three heads of kale
One large banana
Cacao powder
Almond milk
Sweetener, if desired, to taste (I used a teeeeny bit of agave)

Blend the bananas, almond milk, and kale until combined, adding almond milk as needed. Then add the cacao and sweetener to taste. Pour into a glass or two.

Purple layer:
Small (such as a red banana) or half a banana
Mixed frozen berries (I used blueberries and raspberries)
Almond milk
1 to 2 tablespoons Acai powder

Combine everything in a blender, adding berries and acai to taste, and almond milk to get a smooth consistency.

Pour over the green smoothie. I then topped with cacao and mixed seeds/nuts (trail mix).

Be creative and enjoy!

4 thoughts on “Green and purple layered smoothie

  1. Hi, your smoothie looks really nice. Good artistic creation. I’m sure it also tastes good.
    I have a blog about going on a raw food vegan diet if you want to check it out:

  2. Photos are great! And the smoothie looks delicious 😉

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